Fully insured and licensed horse transportation throughout Ontario, Canada and the United Stated.
We understand that every horse reacts differently when being shipped so we ensure that we have the right equipment and staff available to keep your beloved equine safe, comfortable and stress-free during the journey they are taking.
Not only do we offer Long Haul shipping, we also offer short distance transportation as well. Whether it is an emergency trip to the vet, show day or moving barns, we are happy to oblige.
Disclaimer: The company is not
responsible for conduct or acts of horses to themselves or each other, nor loss
or damage arising from the condition of the animals themselves, or which
results from their nature or propensities. Trip insurance, if desired, should
be arranged by the customer through his/her insurance agent. The owner has satisfied
itself that the horse/equipment is in condition to ship and shall not hold
THL or its employees or agents responsible in any way for any illness, injury or
loss. the owner is responsible for own insurance to cover all eventualities. THL and/or its employees and agents etc are not responsible for any loss
damage or injury to any animal or equipment loaded nor are we
responsible for wraps blankets or other horses behaviour on the load.